¡Todos Somos Creativos!

D.H. Friar

We’re All Artists

From Dream to Reality

I’ve just published my first novel, which is so exciting I can hardly stand it.  I learned by doing it, basically being clueless about most of the process. It was- and still is- an amazing journey, a rollercoaster that dragged me through every feeling I can imagine. One day I was confident about my writing, the next day I was sure I was a fraud. I knew I was either a late-blooming genius or a bumbling clown. The bottom line was that I kept plodding until the book was finally done.

I’m making this site for two reasons. First, I’d love for people to read my book, and for that to happen, they have to know it exists. Second, I want to encourage and support you if you’re engaged in any sort of creative process. Or maybe you have a dream you haven’t pursued yet, whether it’s writing or cooking or playing the tuba. Anything done with heart can be creative. I’d like to hear about your own personal journey, where it’s taking you and what you’re learning.

I like what the Sufi poet Rumi said:

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you truly love. It will not lead you astray.”